Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Adopt a Panther

In the fall of my sophomore year, I participated in a program we have at UNI called Adopt a Panther. It is a program in which I, and my teammates from the UNI Men’s basketball team, participate.  In this program, we get to visit elementary schools and speak to the kids about a few topics that are important to the basketball team, as well as topics or rules that our coaches constantly discuss with us and expect us to abide by. Usually, we have one of the assistant coaches and two teammates go to the school to speak. 

First, we start by introducing ourselves as well as share a little bit of background about ourselves before we begin the presentation. After introductions, our coach will give us about three topics to discuss and we have to apply it to an off-the-court example and how the subject ties back to basketball. With my teammate and I explaining our own stories, the kids get a different perspective from both of us on how we have managed to overcome obstacles placed before us and make sacrifices that helped us to get where we are today. 

Next, we end our presentation with answering questions from the audience and we then compete in a little game of one-on-one. My coach will select the child who has their hand up first to play against us. The name of the game is the ‘First to Score Wins’. The winner gets the privilege of putting shaving cream all over the face (and usually the hair too) of the loser.  The kids always have fun doing it to a basketball player, who is someone they look up to and maybe aspire to be. After our presentation, our audience, whether it is a single class, one grade or the entire school, will receive a free ticket to one of our games to see us in action.  We are considered the children’s ‘Panther’ that they are adopting.  So whenever they come to the game they can see us in person as well as talk to us after or get a picture or autograph if they like.

Pictured below is one of my coaches and former teammate.

Coach Crawford, Anthony James, and Myself (pictured from left to right)

The purpose of this program is to help continue to motivate the kids to either strive to be where we are currently or even to surpass us in being successful. Meaning never let anyone tell you that you can’t do something. This statement is rings true in my life everyday - many people have told me I wouldn't be where I am today, but throughout my life I've had the blessing of continuously having the correct guidance and leadership to motivate me to be the best I can be every day and to pursue my dreams and goals. No matter what other people say, you can do what you want to. There will always be people who are going to have negative criticism, but you have to learn how to use that criticism as motivation and prove them wrong. Once you become successful you can later thank the people who were always there for you, but even more to those who said you would never make it.

I think the kids learn valuable lessons that they can use in an every-day situation they might come across. Also, I feel great knowing I was able to make a kids day by giving them examples of life lessons as well as have some fun with them by playing a little one on one at the end of our visit to finish round out our community involvement.

If I had this program when I was younger I think it would have helped draw more people to my hometown university, as well as give them a larger following. I might have gotten a mentor or “big brother” from something like this as I got older and continue to keep in contact with the players that came to my school. To read more on how to get involved in your community click here.


  1. Good article, this is a great way to give back to the community. Those kids will forever remember you guys coming to speak to them. It was educational based but yet you also made it fun, something kids need both of. Start them young on thinking about what they can do, it pushes them to believe and one day do it. Keep up the good work. You will touch lives no matter where you go.

    1. Thank you Brennetta,
      I appreciate you taking the time out of your busy day to read my blog first and foremost. As well as me being able to touch you as a reader. Also, thanks for the motivation to continue to help our next generation to push for excellence instead of settling to be average.

      Hope you continue to follow for next weeks post and in the future as well.
